PCC is an affiliate partner of the Association of Marina Industries (AMI). That means all PCC members are automatically members of AMI and that comes with some great benefits for you individually and for PCC collectively.
Professional Training and Certification: The International Marina Institute (IMI), AMI’s training arm, offers world-class professional development opportunities to the marina industry globally. Courses are offered to PCC members at the discounted AMI membership rate. Marina management training courses and certification include the Basic Marina Course, Intermediate Marina Management Course (IMM) and the Advanced Marina Management Course (AMM) — individuals who complete these courses and who also meet the requirements for marine industry experience can apply to earn the title of certified Marina Manager (CMM) or Certified Marina Operator (CMO). Other opportunities include Certified Clean and Resilient Marina Professional training, free educational webinars, one-day topical conferences, CMM/CMO retreats and roundtables, and the AMI annual conference.
Economic and Industry Data: AMI continues to create economic impact reports for the industry that can be used at the national and state level. This includes the continued expansion in the economic calculator, wage rate survey, financial benchmark report, and other surveys and reports that directly support members’ needs. These publications are available at a member rate to PCC members.
Industry News and Resources: AMI keeps you updated with the latest industry news through our weekly email NewsWatch; monthly e-newsletter, the Advocate; and timely Action Alerts. Meanwhile, our library of resources and publications provide AMI members with the most useful and relevant industry data and trends information.
Legislative Voice and Support: AMI acts as the voice of the marina industry on a national scale by tracking national legislation and policy development, communicating regularly with membership about issues that may impact them and working with lobbyists like the National Marine Manufacturers Association to selectively take action to ensure the marina industry’s needs are being considered. AMI also supports its partners by providing a national voice to the state-specific issues on which they are working.
PCC as a whole collaborates with AMI on programs and projects that support and promote recreational boating from tracking and responding to legislative issues to cross promoting and growing membership. AMI and PCC are working together to develop and implement an annual task plan that sets priorities and builds a collaborative process for making progress on these goals. PCC also has a seat on the AMI board of directors, ensuring that we have a voice in the future direction of AMI.
If you have questions about your membership with AMI, contact Merritt Alves, AMI’s membership and training coordinator, at malves@marinaassociation.org.